Monday, August 26, 2013

Finally, a finished baby quilt!

I finally stitched down the binding of this cute baby quilt about a week ago, I'm pretty happy with it as it was my first experience using a long arm machine in the quilt shop, so much easier than on my home machine. Although, I'm finding that I do like hand stitching and may plan a hand stitched quilt for sitting in these last few weeks of pregnancy :). I'm calling it Prince tiles, the designer named the print frog prince, and I made a simple tile design with fussy cut centers (that just means I cut out the frogs :))

Here she is for my little one!
The front

 And back with a soft flannel for snuggling little baby B!

Quilting that is hard to see but it's there!


  1. What a cute little quilt. I'm sure baby b will enjoy snuggling in such a cozy quilt.

  2. Thanks Wendi! I'm pleased with it for sure :)
